The Star Online

“Though most of his correspondences with family, friends and acquaintances are now via electronic mail (e-mail) and short messaging system (SMS), his fondness for ‘snail-mail’ and old post boxes saw him joining a club called, The Letter Box Study Group based in Birmingham, UK. This group has a unique hobby of listing and photographing letter… Read More

Post boxes in focus

“‘It’s a great way to see the country, although sometimes I get funny looks if I’m on my hands and knees looking for the box’s manufacturing number.’ ‘I’m just going to keep going and see as many new ones as I can.’ Peter is a member of the Letter Box Study Group, an organisation that… Read More

“AFTER years of working for the postal service, you’d think Peter Willis would never want to see a letter again. But instead, the retired postman spends his days photographing postboxes. In the past five years, the 67-year-old has snapped 2,500 iconic red boxes.”… Read More

Does this man have the oddest hobby in Britain?

“Over the past five years Mr Willis has photographed post boxes in Inverness, Dublin and across England. His snapshots include a range of unusual locations, including several boxes at the top of hills and even one inside a theatre … He is a member of the Letter Box Study Group – an organisation dedicated to… Read More

Letter Box Study Group member Steve Knight talks to correspondent Natalie Gray in his garden in Essex: “This is Steve Knight, the proud owner of 115 post boxes … 14 years ago he bought his first post box and just kept on going… Does a man really need 115 old post boxes?” watch the broadcast… Read More

The Sun

“We have open days throughout the year where children can dress up in the uniforms, try out the ink stamps and experience what it was like to be a telegram messenger. In the 1950s telegram messengers would start as young as 14 years old so it’s a real eye-opener for the younger kids.” Steve’s quirky… Read More