Disclaimer and terms of conditions and use

  • Letter Box Study Group is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
  • Letter Box Study Group is an operating name of the Letter Box Study Group CIO.
  • This website is the only site officially recognised and funded by Letter Box Study Group.
  • Letter Box Study Group is a democratic organisation governed by a Constitution.
  • Letter Box Study Group does not deal in redundant letter boxes, or offer advice or valuations on redundant letter boxes
  • Letter Box Study Group operates a Code of Conduct which it expects members to adhere to.
  • Any photographic material contained within these pages is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced in any medium whatsoever.
  • Everything presented on this web site is for informational purposes only and not to be taken as a contract, either implicit or explicit.
  • Prices correct at time of going to press.
  • Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this web site operates and displays as anticipated it is not possible to test any computer-based material of this complexity under all possible conditions or circumstances. Therefore this web site is supplied ‘as is’ without any warranty of any kind either express or implied.
  • All trademarks mentioned on this web site (registered or not) are the sole property of their respective owners.
  • The inclusion on this website of a hypertext link to the website of another company, organization or body does not in any way imply and form of connection, endorsement or involvement between Letter Box Study Group and that company, organization or body.
  • Letter Box Study Group is an independent organization. It does not operate in conjunction with Royal Mail, Post Office, The Postal Museum or any other museums.
  • Correspondence relating to this web site is only accepted by e-mail to webmaster@lbsg.org.

© The Letter Box Study Group 2023