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Membership currently costs £34 p.a. for the UK. To apply for membership, please complete the following form (under 13s must complete a separate form) . Then click on the Submit button. You will shortly receive an e-mail giving you details of where to send your membership fee.

    Payment can be made by bank transfer in sterling or by cheque drawn on a UK bank in sterling following instructions in confirmation email. Annual renewal is due 1st June each year.

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    Alternatively, download the application form and return it to The Secretary, Letter Box Study Group, 7 Bow Close, NEWPORT, TF10 7GR.


    Introduced in 1980, the Type K Pillar Box was designed by Tony Gibbs and reverted to the familiar cylindrical shape, following unsuccessful trials with rectangular shaped boxes. Its design was seen as ultra-modern at the time, and was intended to be the letter box of the future; in service a design flaw with the hinging of the door led to frequent and costly repairs, and after only twenty years in production a return to the traditional style of Pillar Box was made.


    • Name: Type K Pillar Box
    • Manufacturer: Lion, Carron, Carronade, Abbot and Machan
    • Introduced: 1980
    • Construction: cast iron
    • Height: 63 inches
    • Width: 19¼ inches
    • LBSG type number: PB1048, PB1048Sc
    • Total in LBSG records: 4,722