26th August 2014 | Robert Cole | Leave a comment The leading authority on British letter boxes welcomes Royal Mail’s new commitment to maintain and increase the number of postal collection points. The Letter Box Study Group (LBSG) today gave qualified approval of Royal Mail’s decision to change its operating procedures in a way that should assure the future of hundreds – perhaps thousands – of UK letter boxes. The new plan also gives new security to post boxes considered uneconomic. Some questions about signage procedures remain to be fully answered. There may be unforeseen practical ramifications too. But as the leading authority on the history and development of the British roadside letter box, the LBSG believes that Royal Mail’s decision will help ensure the long-term future of these well-loved items of British street furniture. They occupy an invaluable position in Britain’s urban, suburban and rural landscape, and its communication heritage, it says. Click here for the full article